Monday, February 04, 2008

A few more gobbos cloaks

Painted up another 4 gobbos cloaks and did a base coat on their shields.

1 Black Orc General Completed
1 Orc Standard Bearer Completed but needs to put in the chariot. Rare earth magnets required to move him from chariot to his own base. Got the magnets from CEG.
1 Orc Shaman started painting. Got the skin done,and did a few touch ups.
1 Night Goblin Shaman Completed

TroopsBlack Orcs:18 Completed and scenic base completed. (all to a table top standard) Source lighting not even started.
Orcs29: Got them.
Night Gobins:7 NG Goblins cloaks completed and bsae coasted their shields., 9 to go.
1 NG Completed,Scenic base assembled and primed. NG figure for base completed. Dwarf for scenic base started (skin and weapons).
1 Fanatic completed except for basing. Skin Completed.

Spider Riders1 Unit completed.
Arrer boyz. Still removing flash. 15/20 to go. Need to figure out how to make these look more like they belong in a mine.

ChariotBoar and rider assembled. Base started, and wagon started. Having some difficulty getting the plaster stones to stick to the base...More glue!

Bolt Throwers
1 Completed (with tied up slayer)
1 in blister.

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